This website was developed to give the Class of 1973 a chance to keep informed on their former classmates. There will be no personal information provided on this site unless the classmate themselves put it on the message board. If any classmate finds any information on this site they wish removed, please contact Jeff Lamb at jlpublicworks@netscape.net I think it was our 10 year class reunion in which I began keeping a list of everyone's addresses, phone numbers, and now have included e-mail addresses. This information is kept private at all times (unless it is common knowledge - meaning I find the same information in the phone book). This information will not be provided to even our own former classmates unless I receive written permission from the classmate in which the information concerns saying it is okay to give out such information. If you move, change phones, or e-mails, it would be greatly appreciated if you would either send it to me or e-mail it at jlpublicworks@netscape.net so I can update my list. Feel free to mail it to: Jeff Lamb |