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The Sixty-fourth graduating class of Mayfield High School.

Mayfield, Kentucky

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(This was taken from "The 1973 Cardinal")

The class of 1973 is preparing to depart as the last graduation class from the old Mayfield High School. Looking back over the past five years we have spent together, we find that we had many opportunities to live and learn; and we shall cherish these memories for many years to come.

In 1968, we gathered as a disorderly, inexperienced group ready for a new life in high school. We soon discovered we had to adapt to the inconveniences that accompany being the youngest class of students.

As freshmen, we became more accustomed to the routing of the school. We also became more involved in clubs and athletics.

In our sophomore year, we began to mature into a more responsible class. We had to prepare ourselves for the coming years as upper classmen.

As juniors, we had many obligations and important projects to undertake. Through our efforts in the magazine sale, our prom "Colour My World" was considered very successful.

Twenty-one of our classmates were inducted into the National Honor Society, a tradition which ended with our class.

Now, in 1973, we are in our final year as high school students. As conclusive proof of this, we received our senior rings at the annual ring dinner. Thirty members of our class were installed in the Beta Club, a new organization formed to recognize the students with high academic standings. We consider our athletes outstanding; many were chosen All Conference and All State. The casts and crew spent many hours in preparation for the performances of the senior play THE HAPPIEST MILLIONAIRE; but no matter what our endeavors, whether athletic, academic, or musical, each individual contributed to the success of the class as a whole. We know we will go our separate ways, but the memories we have shared will linger in our minds long after the doors close behind us.

                                                                                   Linda Hollingsworth

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